Category Archives: Proposal Miscellaneous

Boo Boo

Last Saturday, we went to the Tanjong Pagar Railway Station for a last glimpse of that historical building before it closes for good. The carpark system is such that you get a ticket when you enter, and you pay cash at a counter before you exit. So there I was on the driver’s seat at the counter to make the payment. I asked dear to get the cash from my wallet. Goodness, I totally forgot that in my wallet contains stuff she should not see – business cards of The Canary and House of Hung.

She asked me why do I have business cards of jewellers and I was dumbfolded. I could not make up a convincing lie on the spot. I just said “My colleague passed them to me, I also dont know for what.” Then I tried to change topic hah.

I am pretty sure she would have smelt a rat. Sigh.

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Posted by on June 29, 2011 in Proposal Miscellaneous


Keeping It Hush Hush

The challenge of planning a surprise wedding proposal is to keep everything a secret, to keep the element of surprise. I am constantly afraid that she will find out about this before the big day. Everything would have gone to waste then.

Yesterday when I was out with dear, she accidentally saw a photo that I developed for the photo page. I have saved it on my iPhone earlier to have it developed at fotohub. She asked what was that photo and I had to take my iPhone away from her and told her that I was making a wallpaper for us to use on our iphones. It was still work in progress and I would send her when it is done. Hopefully she bought that hah.

It was also scary when she came over to my place. I have hidden the stuff (Fedex parcel boxes, diamond stuff, materials for the photo page) away in my sister’s cupboard. I have to delete away the web history in case she saw that I have been to so many diamond-related websites. I have to archive my emails that were related to the proposal (Ritz-Carlton reservation, ordering of flower bouquet and balloons etc) so that they could not be seen from the main inbox (as my hotmail is automatically logged in when I on my laptop). I have to hide the folder which holds all related pictures in my “Academic” folder instead of the usual “Pictures” folder. I have to make sure this blog does not see the light of the day until the big day. And finally, I have to pray that people who know about the surprise proposal (my parents, programmers etc) do not accidentally blurt it out to her hah.

Very stressful indeed. And it is tiring trying to hide the “trails” hah. 1.5 month more to go!

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Posted by on June 12, 2011 in Proposal Miscellaneous


The Birth of This Blog

We have been together for four years and I feel it is about time. About time to settle down with the girl who makes me smile and laugh, the girl who I know will always be there to share my joys and sorrows, my ups and down, the girl who I look forward to seeing everyday I wake up, the girl who I yearn to spend the rest of my life with, the girl I love.

I want to be there to share your dreams and aspirations. I want to be there to share your happiness and joy. I want to be there to comfort you and lend you my shoulder when you feel down and out. I want to be the there to give you advices when you need, and a listening ear when you dont. I want to see you happy, and be your companion till our hair turns white.

The whole idea of starting this blog is to jot down the bits and pieces of stuff leading to the proposal. From researching, choosing and eventually buying of the diamond ring, to brainstorming for proposal ideas, to planning the proposal and finally the execution of it.

In the future, this blog may also be used to document the planning of our wedding, creating our dream home and starting our family – basically, creating our future together.  It will be something very meaningful to both of us, and something that will remind us of the love and bond we share.

Specially dedicated to the love of my life, Lay Theng.


Posted by on May 18, 2011 in Proposal Miscellaneous


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